Wednesday, September 30, 2009


the fug girls always give the best hills/city recaps:

you know you love the dramz. it's like watching a bad car accident or laughing @ someone tripping & hurting themselves very, very badly.


want to be here:

wearing this:

drinking this:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From Ancient Grudge Break To New Mutiny

i'm in love w/ danny roberts' fashion illustrations...& since romeo & juliet is one of my all time favorite movies, i posted this lovely picture. i need to watch this one again, i haven't seen it in awhile. watching leo never gets old. my favorite part is when that radiohead song comes on then they do a close up of him smoking against the sunset. wowza. be still my heart. i always enjoy laughing @ claire danes' quivering chin whenever she "cries." i still think she was a funny choice for juliet, like in real life would leo fall in love w/ her? i don't think so. but seriously r+j has one of the best soundtracks ever. this song from the movie always gets me pumped:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Generally Speaking

do you realize how much happier everyone would be if we weren't all just a bunch of insecure weirdos? i think people would be more honest & have better communication/relationship skills...just a thought

Friday, September 4, 2009

Note To Self

don't be depressed...instead do these:

1. stop complaining...nobody likes a whiney wino
2. get off your ass...don't be lazy. clean out all that crap lurking under your bed & in your closet. seriously, get your shit together.
3. become a body're young & able, so tone up already!(but don't get all crazy w/ it & get creepy madonna arms...that's a no-no)
4. put on a happy face...stretch your mouth muscles, it burns calories & you won't scare people away
5. don't be passive aggressive & snap @ unsuspecting strangers, family, or friends which in turn makes them passive aggressive freaks & the cycle continues
6. pull your head out your butt & do something good for the world...plant a tree, hug a baby panda, etc.
7. listen to your music really loud in your car so that your ears bleed...not only will it make you happy but it will piss off whoever is next to you @ the stop light
8. say thank you to everyone for everything
9. don't let other's sour patch faces get you have the power, not them
10. stop being a perfectionist already, ok? give up that dream already
11. if all else fails, be a strong black woman like oprah...go build a school!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't Worry Bout It Honey

Say Hello To Ya Motha For Me

i don't care what any of you fools say...marky-mark is hot, & that is made apparent by this video:

he kinda looks like an abuser though, doesn't he? i guess it adds to his bad boy charm...not that it's good to beat people or anything, although he was pretty hot in fear